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NRSC Volunteering



Northern Rivers Sailing Club (the Club) relies heavily on volunteers. They are the backbone to all Club activities, giving their time and skills for the benefit of the wider membership. The Club places a high value on all its volunteers and appreciates that it has a duty to train, support and recognise everyone who becomes engaged as a volunteer. The Club recruits talented and committed individuals into Committee and other voluntary roles, aiming to give induction as well as ongoing support. Committee and  other voluntary roles and their current incumbents are listed in the Red Book.
The NRSC document Roles and Responsibilities provides further details and is available from the Secretary.


Volunteering opportunities are concentrated within the Committee and associated officer roles. Committee  members are nominated, elected or co -opted in accordance with the  Club Details as laid out in the Red Book. The Committee is empowered to co-opt volunteers into additional, non-Committee roles. The Club is committed to encouraging volunteers from all backgrounds and will not discriminate on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, social or economic class, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age.

Induction, Training and Support 

The Secretary will provide newly recruited officers with an Induction Pack containing copies of recent minutes, policies and other essential documentation, in addition to the Red Book, Green Book and  Newsletter  that all Members enjoy. 

The Club aims to support its volunteers both to enjoy and flourish in their role. They need knowledge and skills to be effective and will be kept up to date with information and good practice. As a small Club, NRSC has limited capacity for formal training of its volunteers and depends to a large extent on the transfer of knowledge and experience between past and present volunteers. Ongoing support ensures that the Club maintains a personal relationship with volunteers and receives feedback on their experience. The Committee will look sympathetically on requests for additional 
volunteer mentoring and training, within the limits of resources available.

Addressing Issues 

While it is anticipated that relationships between the Club and its volunteers will be productive, beneficial and rewarding, circumstances may arise in which one party is not satisfied with the other. The Club’s Complaints Policy and Procedures offers guidance on how to proceed under such circumstances.

Health and Safety and Insurance

The Club will, as far as is reasonably    practical, provide a safe environment for volunteering activities. Volunteers share this duty in that they are expected to comply with the Club’s Health and Safety Policy and take responsibility for their own safety at all times. Volunteers will be covered by the Club’s insurance policy when engaged in activity on behalf of the Club. The insurance however, does not include personal liability in respect of a criminal charge. 


Club volunteers whose activities may give them access to sensitive information are expected to respect the confidentiality of such information at all times unless there is a legal obligation to disclose it. In line with the Club’s    Privacy Policy, the personal circumstances of other volunteers, staff or individuals with whom volunteers may be 
working in the context of the Club, including address and telephone numbers, should not be disclosed to outside parties unless there is a legal obligation to do so or in response to a genuine request supported by authorisation of the volunteer. 


Volunteers should always represent the vision, aims and objectives of the Club as laid out in the Club Details in the Red Book and articulated in the Club’s strategic documentation or position statement papers. Volunteers should not utilise their position with the Club to represent their personal opinions to third parties. 


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